Online Church

Online Worship, Devotionals & Resources

WhatsApp Group

Prayer & Praise

This is our main gathering during the week. A time to draw together to pray and sing from the comfort of your own home. We pray for the needs of our community and the world. Our worship style is wide ranging, from traditional to contemporary. We meet whether in real time, or anytime you’re free to access the material posted.


To find out more about this group, get in touch via the button below.

YouTube Content

Churches across our team are putting out video content via their YouTube channels.

Take a look, and be sure to subscribe if you’d like to be notified about new videos.


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National Online Resources

See the below national online resources that you may find useful.

Daily Hope

Daily Hope is a free national phone line aimed particularly at those aged 75 and over who don’t have access to the internet.

Available 24 hours per day on 0800 804 8044

Don't Forget...

You can also check out our Facebook and Twitter pages for live updates and information!